Plant-feeding Nematodes Known to be Associated with: |
Strawberry – Fragaria spp. |
Note: These lists are intended as general guidelines. You need to do further research before using them for crop sequence or management decisions. Please consider that:
Click on species names for more information on biology, location, and specific management strategies. |
Strategies for Nematode Management
Aphelenchoides hamatus |
Criconemoides lobatum |
Pratylenchus hexincisus |
Pratylenchus loosi |
Ditylenchus acris |
Helicotylenchus digonicus |
Psilenchus gracilis |
Helicotylenchus erythrinae |
Rotylenchus goodeyi |
Helicotylenchus microlobus |
Tylenchorhynchus dubius |
Tylenchorhynchus capitatus |
Tylenchorhynchus clarus |
Longidorus sylphus |
Ogma palmatum |
Xiphinema australiae |
Paratylenchus macrophallus |
Paurodontus auriculata |
Pratylenchoides bacilisemenus |