Nematode is 1.1 mm long.
- Body forms an open spiral when relaxed.
- Cuticle with distinct
striations, averaging 1.6 m wide near middle,
subcuticular striations half as wide as those of the cuticle.
- Lateral
with 4 incisures, areolated only in esophageal region.
- Lip region
hemispherical, not distinctly offset, but a slight constriction separates
it from the body contour, consists of 4 to 5 annules; last labial annule
marked by 22-28 longitudinal
giving it a crenate appearance.
- Labial sclerotization strong; outer margins of framework inwardly concave.
- Spear well developed; anterior tapering portion almost half its length;
basal knobs rounded.
- Dorsal esophageal gland opening inconspicuous,
5-7 m behind base of spear.
- Esophagus typical,
bulb oval to
rounded; esophageal
glands forming a short compact lobe on dorsal and
dorso-lateral sides of intestine, dorsal gland anterior to and with larger
nucleus than those of subventrals.
- Esophago-intestinal junction with an
oval valvular structure.
- Excretory
pore opposite esophago-intestinal
junction or in the region of the esophageal glands, 73-83 annules behind
the lip region.
- Hemizonid
2-4 annules long, 0-4 annules anterior to
- Hemizonion
1 annule long, 9-11 annules behind excretory
- Vulva a transverse slit;
double, not protruding through
- Spermatheca
inconspicuous, without sperms.
- Diovarial, amphidelphic, usually lying on one side of intestine; oocytes in a
single row, except for a few in germinal zone.
- Uterine eggs
76 m x 23 m.
- Rectum not conspicuous, partially overlapped by intestine.
- Tail dorsally
convex-conoid to a slight terminal rounded projection, with
12-18 annules on its ventral side, as long as or slightly longer than anal
- Phasmid seen as a small dot in center of
field, 6-13
annules anterior to anus.