
M.W. Allen

I. Andrássy

R.C. Baines

A.F. Bird

E.J. Cairns

B.G. Chitwood

J.R. Christie

N.A. Cobb

H. Darling

E.C. Dougherty

L.A.P. De Coninck

A. De Grisse

V.H. Dropkin

C.L. Duddington

B.Y. Endo

W.A. Feder

J. Feldmesser

A.M. Golden

W. Hart

J. Heyns

H. Hirschmann

Q.L. Holdeman

F.G.W. Jones

B.R. Kerry

E.L. Krall

B. Lear

M.B. Linford

B.F. Lownsbery

C.W. McBeth

A.R. Maggenti

W.F. Mai

Y. Mamiya

G.C. Martin

N.A. Minton

R.H. Mulvey

A.G. Newhall

W.L. Nicholas

C.O. Nielsen

D.C. Norton

M. Oostenbrink

A.J. Overman

V.G. Perry

B.G. Peters

D.J. Raski

H. Reynolds

R.T. Robbins

J.N. Sasser

J.W. Seinhorst

S.A. Sher

M.R. Siddiqi

G. Steiner

A.C. Tarjan

A.L. Taylor

W. Thames

I.J. Thomason

G. Thorne

R.W. Timm

S.D. Van Gundy

D.R. Viglierchio

H.R. Wallace

J.M. Webster

G.W. Yeates

B.M. Zuckerman


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Early and Recent Pioneers in Nematology
Rev. 07/21/20
L.A.P. De Coninck
Ghent, Belgium, 1963

L.A.P. De Coninck directed the nematology program at the university in Ghent, Belgium.  Extensive work on nematode morphology, systemstics and economy.  Established the program on the biology of "free-living" nematodes that is now part of Department of Animal Morphology and Systematics at that institution.

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André De Grisse


Dr. and Mrs De Grisse in a 2005 Photograph

André De Grisse retired in 1996; he now spends his time with his family, making wine, growing edible snails, painting etc.

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H. Darling
Madison, WS, 1956

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Ellsworth C. Dougherty

Photograph courtesy of Ching-Yi Dougherty and Rachel Ankeny

Ellsworth C. Dougherty, Ph.D., M.D.

Department of Nutritional Sciences, UC Berkeley; Kaiser Foundation Research Institute.

Deceased 21 December, 1965

Dougherty Biography

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Victor H. Dropkin


C.L. Duddington
Knoxville, TN, 1957
C.L. Duddington, Biological Laboratories, The Polytechnic, London, England.  Pioneer in the area of biological antagonists of nematodes.  Author of "The Friendly Fungi".

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Honorary Member, Society of Nematologists

Deceased January 4, 2005

Endo Biography

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Julius Feldmesser


Julius Feldmesser, Florida.  Burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, on citrus.  Worked extensively with W.A. Feder.

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W.A. Feder, Florida.  Worked with J. Feldmesser on burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, on citrus. Also, extensive work on nematode control in ornamental propagation stock, particularly hot water treatments.

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W.A. Feder


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Ayoub, S.M. 1977.  Plant Nematology:  An Agricultural Training Aid.  California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento.

Christie, J.R. 1959.  Plant Nematodes.  Their Bionomics and Control.  University of Florida. Gainesville.

Mai, W.F. and R.E. Motsinger. 1987.  History of the Society of Nematologists. Pp 1-6 in J.A. Veech and D.W. Dickson (eds) Vistas on Nematology, Society of Nematologists, Hyattsville, MD.

Raski, D.J., I.J. Thomason, J.J. Chitambar and H. Ferris. 2002.  A History of Nematology in California. (

Sasser, J.N. and W.R. Jenkins.  1960.  Nematology:  Fundamentals and Recent Advances.  UNC Press, Chapel Hill.

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